Saturday 2 July 2011

Step Closer to being branded a 'Flashpacker'

It would seem that my fears from my last post of becoming a 'Flashpacker' seem to be coming true as this week i purchased myself a 'Netbook'. I have debated for sometime whether to invest in one to take with me on my travels or not, did some online searching, weighed up the pro's and con's and the general consensus was that people that had taken them would have been 'lost without one', i am not sure i like that phrase, it sounds like those people that update their Facebook status with 'lost my phone, i feel like i have lost my right arm' a phone's a phone we went thousands of years without phones and everyone seemed to get along just fine. So i was a bit skeptical about purchasing a Netbook however i think the pro's out weight the con's. Most internet cafe's, cafe's, hostels and hotels now have wireless and majority are free, even in countries such as Cambodia and Laos i have read that a lot of the hostels have wireless, so this saves paying for internet access in hostels and internet cafe's which lets face it usually have PC's as old as my grandad are as big as a house and so slow that your first hour's worth of access is taken up by just opening the internet browser, so that was a tick in the box, secondly and also just to booster my 'flashpacker' status i am taking a DSLR camera, the Netbook has 250GB of disk space so i will be able store quite a number of photo's and not worry about having to burn to disk or upload to a photo site which again in an internet cafe in some countries will just be painful. Of course their is the risk of the Netbook and even my camera being stolen so i will be sending back home at convenient times USB sticks full of photo's. On the note of theft i have actually insured my Camera at a small cost of £3.16 a month for theft and damage, the website if interested is listed on the right hand side of my blog. The final couple of pro's are that on long journeys i can play films/music and of course even prepare my next blog for all you lucky readers out there who i know will be everyday waiting in anticipation for your daily dose of 'ruffysworld', OK, well maybe not but i like to think that will be the case. So whether i am branded a Flashpacker or not I believe and hope it will be a good investment even if at the same time it makes me prime target for wannabe thieves and muggers!!! Keep well. Ruffy.

Came across the below song while watching an episode of 'House' (which i love by the way) I thought the song was very 'apt' and i think its great! enjoy.


  1. So jealous . Liked the video too.

  2. 2 comments in 2 days Dave, are you sure you are not stalking me? Actually i am not going to complain, i think you maybe the only one that reads it, you are are my number 1 fan! I think you should start a fan club!
