Tuesday 9 August 2011

1 75L backpack and 2 suitcase's!!!

Hello followers, hope you are all well. With only 3 days to go before i jet off into the sunset i thought i'd brush up on my blogging skill's, as it has been a while since I graced you with my presence. The last 2 days have been made up of mostly packing, both for my trip and all my worldly possessions and clothes that are staying behind. When i say worldly possessions I mean anything that i haven't sold. As i mentioned in my first blog i have pretty much sold everything of value that i own, the only thing i had left was my beloved Golf GTTDI which i sold last week (sob, sob), however it was all part of the plan and i am now debt free and have cash to travel, not a bad situation to be in i think!! However i did ponder for a good 15-20mins after i realised that pretty much everything i owned had fitted into 2 suitcase's, (1 of which could be classed as an over night bag) I heard a voice in my head say 'what the hell have you done' of which i replied 'fcuk know's'. Though this thought stuck with me for many minutes i soon gave myself a slap and said 'what does it matter, your doing something that most people only dream of'. Now i wouldn't recommend that anyone wishing to go on a RTW trip sells everything they posses, gets rid of their flat and moves in with a married couple, however i take some pride that i have had the courage and determination to see it through, it hasn't been easy and on many occasion i have questioned (just like today) 'what the hell am i doing'. There are many reasons why i have done what i have, some valid, perhaps some not so valid but what it proves is that when you really want to do something, when you really put your mind to it, when you have the courage to see something through, you can do anything you want.

OK, so i have told you how today i packed up my somewhat 'empty' life now to tell you about the good stuff. so yesterday consisted of a pre-pack of all my gear for my trip, I say pre-pack but when it actually came to it i realised that everything in it wasn't needed until i leave so it could all stay in. I thought this was going to be a bit of a chew on but actually it took no more than 20mins. You see, for those that don't know me that well, I am a mixture of Mr Organised, My Prepared and Mr Tidy. To your average Joe, planning a 6 month RTW trip may have been the most stressful, worrying, hair pulling experience ever but if your Mr efficient like me then its been a breeze. I realise that i am now blowing my own trumpet but eh, if i don't, who will!?!?!!? So not to bore you with in's and out's i pretty much read every travel site going, blogs, forums, travel advice you name i read it. From that i just started making mental lists of things i needed and actually when it comes down to it, its all pretty much common sense stuff and maybe its not that i am well prepared but more that, as long as you have the essentials then anything else can be bought. So back to the packing, Mmmm.. so at this point i thought it would be good to provide you all with a list of what i was taking, I know most of you probably don't care, however, peoples blogs are very useful things for other travelers (ok i admit most of what i babble about wont be useful to anyone but at least i can try and put some good tips in) and i know most people reading will be friends but i have followers as far a field as America and OZ you know!! they clearly clicked on the wrong 'ruffysworld' though as a good friend told me recently there is only 1 'Ruffy' ;o). I am going to post my 'equipment list' however this blog as gone on a little now and i have had comments like 'good blog, bit long'. Thanks.. i think!!!

So i will leave it here, with 3 days to go, i must admit i am feeling a little nervous now and seeing friends and family saying goodbye's for a while, it is a little sad! that said, watch out world Ruffy is almost out of the cage!!!! Apart from my 'equipment list' blog which i will post shortly, i am not sure if i will post again before i leave, so if not take care everyone and the next time i write, it maybe from India. Keep well.

P.S - I just realised that i hadn't explained why i had to pack up my worldly possessions, well, when i leave my friends the 'Millsy's' i am pretty much homeless, so into storage it goes, just in case you were wondering.

'We all have something to offer, this is because we are all 'unique' from this uniqueness you give your's and other people's life meaning'

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