Monday 15 August 2011

Bristol to Mumbai

Hello from Mumbai, India. OK, I finally arrived to my first destination, I have to admit all in all the first bit of travelling has gone pretty swimmingly, i really hope i am not speaking too soon especially as i have to get on a 9 hour Train journey tomorrow from one of the busiest train stations in the world i am told its pretty hectic, i look forward to this experience especially at 6am after almost 12hrs of travelling the day before. So as i said, the outward journey from Bristol all went pretty smoothly. I started with a 2hr 20min coach journey from the Center of Bristol to Heathrow Airport T5. Not the biggest bus station in the world and probably only 10 seats for 15 gates but what else do you need. I did end up chatting to a gentleman while i was waiting, he was also off to Heathrow and to India, i had made my first friend. It turns out however he was off to Delhi and then up to the Himalayas.. cycling.... yep that's right cycling. As the convo progressed i found out he was a keen cyclist, had ridden many countries including the Rockies.. pretty impressive, it made my lands end to John O'Groats ride that i did last year like a walk in the park. What the conversation did do was make me really miss my cycling, i haven't really ridden since LEJOG last year as i sold my bike for the cash towards this trip.. when i am back 1st thing i am going to do is buy a brand new spanker!!! So, bus journey uneventful, i did however start reading one of my books, 'More awkward situations for men' by Danny Wallace, for those that dont know Danny's books, he wrote such books as 'Yes Man', he is a great writer and his books are written as he thinks it, i would fully recommend both the books i have mentioned, especially 'More Awkward Situations for Men' real life experiences which every man and women i guess go through. So arrived at T5 no queue at check in, brilliant, however i soon found out why, when the lady gave my ticket she said 'middle rows only left' i checked my watch, i was 3 hours early? as everyone else been camped out? she soon explained that everyone 'check's in on-line' nowadays and you can choose your seat, i looked at her with the expression on my face  which said 'not fcking everyone love'! so i politely said 'middle seat it is then'. I will leave it here as i only have an afternoon and 1 evening in Mumbai and though i am hanging out of my arse, I want to go and explore this crazy city, i know i havent mentioned much about Mumbai but thus far i am unable to put in to words how to describe it, i have only had an hour taxi drive from the airport to the hotel but i am lost for words, even in my very tired state due to not sleeping on the plane i was fully aware of my surroundings, i need to take in, even that hour journey experience before i can put something in words. Keep Well.

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