Tuesday 16 August 2011

Sunburn and Curry Delight

Bonjour followers, well that is if i have any left after my last 3 mammoth posts, I'll keep this one short and sweet, as i dint want you to get too bored of my ramblings. I know i do go on abit but as i am away for 6months I'm trying to keep it detailed not just for you guys but me too! Anyway, was feeling good this morning even after 13hr train journey and then straight out late night drinking, though to be fair it was so chilled i might as well have been asleep. It would seem that i have brought the sun with me, not had much sun in GOA for a few weeks, that changed today, scorching hot, went to the beach and chilled. It was Indian independence day today and even though its off season for GOA it was rammed, the beach was crazy. Being a true Brit got burnt baldy on my back, i am sure it will be golden brown tomorrow. In the evening headed out with Thore (his real spelling) the German guy and found a cool little restaurant on the beach serving traditional India curry, i have only one word WOW, for those curry lovers out there i can guarantee you haven't tasted a good curry until you have had one in India, it was full of spices but not too hot and it was so creamy, best curry i have ever had, by far. Headed back after dinner full to bursting though the 2mile trek back walked that off. Tomorrow going on a 'spice plantation' tour and taking a ride on a Indian Elephant. should be fun. Thanks for reading. Keep well. Ruffy.

PS Congratulations to Cherry and Ben on their baby girl Summer. Glad she finally made it, even if she didn't want to wave me off.

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