Tuesday 16 August 2011

Elephant, Spices and a Sick German...

Had the worst nights sleep, was so hot and woke every 30mins or so, think the sun burnt back may have had something to do with that, maybe!!! However i felt pretty good despite lack of sleep, i guess when your doing nothing you don't need loads of sleep. Got up at 9 and had poached egg on toast, nothing like home comforts. I was feeling a lot better than Thore though, he looked liked death warmed up when we met to set off on our elephant and spice plant tour, he was running a fever, headache and felt sick but still wanted to go. Took just under an hour to get to 'Sahakari Spice Farm' near Ponda, about 13KM past Old GOA which we were going to visit on way back. To be fair elephant ride was pretty poor, only had about 5mins on him (Baboo) and the guy riding him reminded me they take tips.. 'oh really! do you', i said, cheeky git! i gave him RS100 and not with a smile. I am sure i paid the same amount for the elephant ride in Thailand and we were on that one for at least 30mins and we didn't just walk round a car park. Anyway, onto the Spice tour, that was pretty cool, though at this point Thore had to pull out and lay down, the fever and sickness had got the better of him. Spent 30mins on a guided tour and learnt a few things, Saffron for example is the most expensive spice in the world followed by Vanilla, yep that's right i am back with the facts! I also learnt how hot a regional Chili was. The tour guide lady explained that this one (she showed us one growing) was 2800 times hotter than you can buy in the shops in India, it was tiny at this stage of growing and of course asked if anyone wanted to try one, everyone declined.... except me of course, always one to try new things, i hardly spoke for the rest of the tour and not a good idea to touch your eye afterwards either! Another fact for you, unrelated to Spices, Lee's a dick! ha ha. We finished the tour and part of the deal was a traditional Goan lunch, this was amazing, like the curry the other night, just so tasty, Thore settled for Naan and boiled rice, at this point i suggested we just go straight back to Hostel and forget about 'Old GOA', there was no argument from him, i may go to Old GOA tomorrow. Tonight was supposed to be my last night at Gabriel's guest house before i was going to stay somewhere else for 2 nights before heading to Nepal but its so nice here, its family run and they are more than helpful and friendly so going to stay the whole duration. I am going to be doing enough travelling when i get to Nepal for 16 days, so peace, quite and relaxing is all good with me for now. Thore is off to the medical center as he is getting worse, hope he hasn't got Malaria or more importantly a bug which he might give to me!! OK Malaria is more important but gotta look after number one, right??!?! (Sorry Thore, only messing)

I am able to update today's blog today as i am just going to stay at the Guest house tonight read and listen to some music. The owner is cooking for me 'kingfish' in Masala with Rice, I even got to choose it, I say for me as its only me and Thore left at the guest house (it is off season) and i don't think he will be eating tonight... not looking forward to the kingfish at all, ;o).

Just a quick on the mozzie front i lasted 3 days, they have now found me and i have about 10 bites, litle fckers!!!! Keep well peeps. Ruffy.

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