Monday 26 September 2011

Sunshine, Feeling Good And Lion's

G'day followers.. I must admit since arriving in Sydney i have been mildly depressed, mainly due to being so tired and of course the rain, wind and coldness. OK, i know that its still only spring and living in England for 32 years i should be used to it, I guess hearing of 30 degree heat before i arrived i was expecting more. I didn't get to sleep until 3am this morning, no reason other than i didnt feel tired, i some how even though the time difference from India is only 4 hours and Singapore being even less at 2 hours, seem to be suffering from Jet lag. However, i believe i am now all sorted and body clock back to normal and i rose this morning around 8ish. After breakfast of eggs and weetabix and a shower i was full of beans and ready to face the world.

I decided i would head over to Taronga Zoo. I caught the bus down to Circular Quay which is right next to the Wharf where i would catch the ferry over to Taronga Zoo, a short 15minute crossing. I had the day before purchased a 'MultiTicket' travel card. This is a god send and at a $41 dollars a bargain. It allows me unlimited travel on Buses, trains and ferry's for a whole week, which means i can pretty much anywhere within Sydney, i think for a Tourist its as i say a bargain and very handy. So i was just about to board the ferry when i went to turn my camera on.. nothing.. dead.. cant be i thought i had charged it all night, then of course it dawned on me, i opened the battery compartment and it was empty, 'captain unco' strikes again (private joke from India, will explain another time) i had of course left the battery in the charger. As the Ferry crosses the harbour straight in front of Sydney bridge and the Opera house as well as great view's of the CBD (central business district) i really wanted my camera. So about turned away from the Ferry and set looking for a camera shop, one, luckily was not far away. 10mins later i was on the Ferry, $40 dollars down and in possession of a brand new canon battery. The weather was around 17degrees not cold but still no sun. As i sat on the outside of the ferry looking at the Sydney bridge, Opera house and tall high rise buildings i soon remembered how much i loved Sydney (for those of you that dont know this is my 3rd time here) there something about it that makes me feel good, happy and content, i really could easily leave here. Everything is accessible and getting around seems to be a breeze, perhaps spending so long in India, anything is easy now. I arrived at the Zoo purchased my ticket for $44 and set about exploring the zoo. WOW. OK, its just a Zoo but its by far the best Zoo i have been to. Now i may not have visited every Zoo in the world and i am sure that there are some amazing Zoo's around the world but for a city Zoo this was pretty awesome. It had every animal you could think of, all the Australian animals of course, Wallabies, Kuala's, Kangaroo's, Tasmanian devils and so on. Its also had, Elephants, Crocodiles, Alligators, Giraffe's, all kind of reptiles, Gorilla's, Sea-lions,  you name it, Taronga Zoo had it. Now i haven't mentioned Lions, Tigers or Leopards, the reason being is that i wanted to give them a special mention. Big cats are my favourite animals, they had 4 Lions, 3 females and a male, of course they were behind protected glass but they were not shy, and came right up to the glass, they were beautiful and magnificent. I know i maybe making a big deal of it, but they really are beautiful creatures, i think so much so for the first time in my blog's i have added one of my photo's, as you can see above. (alright, alright perhaps i just realised you could do it, so you'll be seeing more from now on). So after taking a million photo's of the Lion's i headed for lunch at a cafe which overlooked the harbour. After lunch, at last, finally, thank god, the sun made an appearance, this added to my already relaxed and chilled mood and thought 'yep, life is good today'. I wondered around another hour so, seeing a Snow Leopard and  an enormous bear, which was cool and many other animals, however i didn't get to see what i really wanted to see and that was the tigers, they seemed to be a little shy today and though I waited for what seemed an eternity (maybe 10mins) they didn't want to play ball. I headed back to the ferry, now with the sun out, managed to take some great pictures of the Sydney Bridge, Opera house and down town Sydney, as sad as some of you may think i am for getting another battery, i was glad that I did.

I headed back home, picking up one of my favourite snacks on the way, Suishi! YUM!. The rest of the evening was made up of chilling, sorting and deleting the 300 odd photo's i had taken and watching TV, not before though going for a 30min run down and along Coogee beach, very nice beach and will hopefully be attending this again with sun lotion and beach towel!! Oh yes i was feeling good again.

(thought i'd add another picture in, now that i know you can and how to do it).

Seeing all the animals today at the Zoo, especially the big cats made me think about my next big trip, and when i say think i mean not left my mind, i have to go to Africa, maybe next year or should i say definitely next year, the old cliche, 'The world is my Oyster'

Just want to say thanks to all of you that read my blogs, i get stat's for each post and can see the numbers are still the same as when i started, I hope you enjoy reading them, i know i do babble sometimes but good to see people still following me. Just to let you know, if your new i only post on FB the latest post, if you want to read post's from the past you can select them on the right hand side of my blog page or just visit which will take you to the start, come on peeps i know you all now going to hit that 'add to favourites button' ;o).

'If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything and everything'


  1. keep up the good work lee, its nice to have a few pics in your blog now.

  2. Thanks Steve, only took me about 2 months to realise i could add pic's.
