Friday 30 September 2011

Manly, Old Friend And Captain Unco

Hello friends, family and foes, hope that you are all keeping well and for my fellow Englishman and women, i hope your enjoying the current heatwave. I have now been in Sydney for a week and though the weather hasn't been the greatest and I thought i hadn't done a great deal the time has flown by. I last wrote on Monday 26th after visiting Sydney Zoo, its now Friday and as i said the time seems to have dwindled away. So Monday I decided to again head on down to Circular Quay and head out to 'Manly'. Manly is North east of down town Sydney and is popular with not only with tourists but locals also. I caught the midday ferry crossing which was around a 45 minute trip. The Sun was out but a reasonably strong wind took the heat of the midday sun. So nearing 1pm I arrived and headed straight for Manly beach. This was just a 5min walk from the Wharf. As I said the wind was pretty strong and even though i had shorts on i also had a T-shirt and fleece top and to be honest was still feeling a little chilly. I imagined the beach to be quite empty, how wrong i was, it was packed. There were people swimming in the sea, people playing on the beach and sunbathing! Me on the other hand was trying my hardest just to keep warm. Either these people were on holiday from Alaska or Siberia or I was just being a wet lettuce (no comments please) perhaps being in India for 6 weeks sweating my bollocks off every day, I had become accustomed to only high temperatures and humidity. Either way, no way was I going to be sunbathing never mind swimming in the sea. I was hungry so grabbed some sushi and a drink. After lunch i headed back towards the Wharf, there is a small stretch of beach next to it, this side of Manly was covered from the wind and with the sun still out I decided to set myself down here and listen to my iPOD. Before i knew it was 4.30pm, I had fallen asleep. I have been sleeping well but ever since arriving in Sydney i have been so tired and lacking in energy, i think maybe the go, go, go of India has finally caught up with me. The ferry was just arriving on the Wharf, luckily it was less than a five minute walk, within the hour i was back at Circular quay and catching the bus back to Randwick. Rest of the evening I just chilled and watched TV.

The following day the weather was back to being cold and raining. I had arranged to meet my Aussie friend Annie, who shall we say I had become acquainted with back in 2007 when i came to Sydney.  She was familiar with Randwick and agreed to come to me. We had lunch and chatted for a good few hours, since seeing her she had joined the police force and had some interesting stories to tell. It was great to catch up with her. She left around 4ish and again with the weather being rubbish just chilled out for the rest of the evening.

The following day I rose early and headed down into the City with Lorna who took me to 'Paddy's Market'. She had told me about this the night before and thought I would have a wonder round. On getting to the market I soon realised that I had in fact been there the last time I was in Sydney. Lorna had to shoot off to work and left me to my own devices. I wondered around the market, not really in the shopping mood, so headed to find breakfast. I was soon heading towards Darling Harbour, again I had been here before but remembered I liked it, the sun was trying to break through but with no success and soon it was pouring with rain. With this I decided to fork out $60 to see the Sydney Aquarium, Wildlife centre and Sydney Tower, an apparently 'superb' deal. If i am honest I had seen enough animals, with Singapore Zoo and Taragon Zoo earlier in the week but as the weather was not on my side and these were all in doors I thought fcuk it. The Aquarium and Wildlife centre were actually not bad with the highlight being a 5m, 750KG salt water crocodile, that was one big Croc. After my animal fix I headed for Sydney Sky tower, i was looking forward to this. The tower stand's in the Centre of the CBD and is the highest building in Sydney as well being the second highest observation tower in the Southern hemisphere. The rain had now stopped and the sun had made an appearance, so I was looking forward to some good views and pic's. However this was not to be the case, enter 'Captain Unco', (cpt unco is the name given to me by Kate from India, as I kept doing stupid things, 'Unco' short for uncoordinated) from the time of leaving the Wildlife centre to getting to the tower, which by the way is all of a 15min walk, I had lost my bloody ticket, I searched all my pockets and emptied my rucksack, it was no where to be seen, I had dropped it or I like to think that I had been pick pocketed, even though i had still had my wallet. Another ticket was going to be around $30 and by this point i just wanted to go home, so angry with myself for having another 'Unco' moment i stormed to the bus stop and headed back to Randwick. I grabbed some food from the shopping mall and decided that a run was needed to elevate some of my frustration. I did the same route as before down to Coogee beach, though i must have been so tired as it felt like i was running with concrete in my trainers. All week i had been saying that i wanted to go to the Blue Mountains. lack of motivation and rubbish weather, I had put it off. Ed had said the night before that Friday was supposed to be nice, so when i was down at the harbour, booked a day trip to the Blue Mountains, which included 'Featherland Wildlife Park' (more animals), 'Scenic world' which was a tourist haven spot for views of the Blue Mountains and a River Cruise back into Sydney Harbour, all for $90, I was looking forward to it. In the evening after Lorna and Ed had got home from work, myself and Lorna headed to Bondi Junction, Lorna needed a few things and i needed to return a T-shirt i had bought at the weekend. On returning we just watched some TV and had an early night.

So, it would seem i have done quite a bit this week and also had some chill time on an evening. I guess with Asia coming up in a few weeks, were I really think I may turn into a Alcoholic for a few months, i should welcome the chilling time, and also with feeling so tired since getting here in OZ, I am catching up on sleep. I have decided to write a separate blog for the Blue Mountains as this one was getting to be epic, which i guess your all used to be now. I'll post the Blue Mountains after this one. Thanks for reading as always.

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