Friday 19 August 2011

3 Flights, A Rude Indian and Kathmandu

Morning, afternoon, evening, whichever time of day it is where you are in the world. Hope that you are well and having a good day. Hopefully its a little better than mine! So i had to be up and out of bed for 4am ready for my 4.30am taxi to GOA Airport. My sleeping pattern is still not great since arriving in India and i am not even starting to feel tired until around 1am every night, last night was no exception, i think i finally drifted off at around 2am, i woke to my alarm at 4am, not feeling all that great, i had packed my bag  before i had gone to bed (if you can call 2hrs sleep going to bed) so just had the normal last minute things to pack after a ice cold shower which put a bit of life back in me. Taxi arrived but it was pissing down with venom, it was a short walk/run from the hostel to the car, but i still got soaked to the bone. taxi ride was around 40mins and 'Jonny' my taxi driver was very friendly and spoke perfect English, the time flew, however distance and time of day the taxi cost me RS1000, (around £13) most i have spent on anything in one go since being in India. My flight left at 6.30 on time, i was flying with Kingfisher airlines, same company that make the beer. I checked my itinerary and confirmed that it would be around 3hrs 50 to Delhi where i changed, after an 1hr 15min captain advised we were descending and would arrive in Mumbai in 10mins.. WTF.. i racked my brain, had i got on the wrong flight? surely i couldn't have, i wouldn't have been allowed, I thought security in America was bad, India is 10 times worse, they check you ticket, then double check it and then triple check it all in the space of like 5mins, with the person who just checked before standing 20Ft away. i checked my itinerary again, 1stop, i just presumed that meant my stop in Delhi, i guessed not. Sat on the run way in Mumbai we advised to stay on the plane, great no change, which makes sense but i had spoke to soon, we then asked to get off, and make away to another plane, which meant going back out to the terminal and back in, going through security again, what a pain on the arse, it was only 8.30am and i was already getting on my second flight. we left about an hour later, i had my second breakfast of the day. We arrived in Delhi about 2hrs later, it was around 11am and i now had to wait until 13.25 for my flight to Kathmandu, i was now starting to feel shattered and needed a smoke so decided i had a few hours so i left the Terminal for some 'fresh air' this turned out to be a bad idea, as i should have gone straight through to 'transfers' this would have meant not going through security again, however that wasn't the issue, 'imigration' was, even going out of Delhi you had to fill out a immigration card, these were handing out when you got your ticket, of course I already my ticket from GOA, as it was handed to me then, long story short what should have been a 2 hour wait or so in the departure lounge turned out to be a 2min wait in the departure lounge, after Immigration of which i am sure they go at snails pace on purpose, nearly getting into a fight with a very rude Indian man who came under the barrier at immigration and pushed in front of me, i advised there was a queue, he looked at me as if i was speaking on a foreign language, OK i was but i know the little git understood, i told him again, this time he he started waving and cursing in Hindu at me, i stood my ground and we shuffled forward, he wasn't getting in front of me and the people behind hadn't cared he had pushed in, in the end the barrier narrowed, i pushed my way in front and made myself as wide as possible so he couldn't even try to get past, the severely pissed him off and he cursed away for a good few minutes, i said nothing and got called to immigration desk.. TWAT!!! I am now writing this on my 3rd flight of the day, of course when you read it i wont be, but just killing some time. I must say Kingfisher seem a little disorganised on the ground but in the air and the service they provide is brilliant, even on the short flights i have been on, so smaller planes there is TV's for everyone, as much space as i had on my 747 from London, i have had food now on every flight and on this one i got free kingfisher beer (which was so needed) and the flight is only 1hr 30min, can you imagine that on sleazy jet?? you might get a sandwich and a drink but you would have to pay, you def wouldn't have a a TV on every seat and you'd have as much space as a battery hen.

Finally arrived in Kathmandu, the view from the window on the plane was amazing even if the weather is cloudy and rainy. Got to immigration filled out the forms for a visa and paid $25 dollars for the privilege for 15 days stay. Luckily i had booked a taxi from the airport to my guest guest house, there was a nice young man holding my name up as i exited the terminal, get in!! The drive from the airport was total chaos, it was worse than Mumbai, i left GOA with almost 20 bites, little fckers and also the humidity is far less, temp is about 23 degrees no sun but perfect. The guesthouse is quirky but perfect for my what i need it for, i also have free Wifi. I think i might head for few beers or 2 tonight.. why not eh!??!?!! Keep well people and hope the blogs aren't too long.

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