Wednesday 17 August 2011

'My Friend', Brad Pitt and a Soccer Match

Hello friends and followers, hope you are all well. Another shortish blog today as has been another chilled out day. The sun seems to have been absent for the last few days, though its still warm and very humid with a few rain showers or shall we say down pours. The morning i spent on my own, i needed some me time, i walked to the beach which was pretty much deserted apart from a couple of fisherman, fishing with just fishing line, a hook and prawns for bait, it didn't look easy however its some of the Goan peoples only way of making money, they catch the fish and then sell it on to the shops and restaurants. I sat reading my newly purchased book, 'Every second counts' by Lance Armstrong'. I have read his 1st one, 'Its not about the bike'. I loved the first book, very inspiring and thought provoking. 'Every second Counts' is just as good, I know that some people think Lance Armstrong is big headed and arrogant but the man has determination, guts and doesn't know the meaning of giving up, there is a quote he uses often which i think is so true, 'pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever'. Even if you are not into cycling I would recommend this book to anyone. So after reading a few chapters, breathing in the sea air and listening to a few Tunes on the old Ipod i headed back to the hostel to see how Thore had got on at the Medical center. It was an all clear, he didn't have Malaria, which still meant that he might have passed a bug to me ;o). After spending much of the day in bed yesterday he was feeling better and we headed out for late lunch, early evening dinner. Afterwards we walked around the shops, looking at tat and fake brand clothing, getting hassled by every shop keeper, 'my friend, my fiend, i have good price' 'maybe, put why the hell would i want a skirt or handbag' i thought. This 'my friend' thing was starting to annoy me, not to be rude but I'm not your friend, if i were you would shout 'Lee, Lee, i have good price' I know their trying to be friendly but i seem to have a thousand new friends in Goa now. We then came across a local football match, the pitch, which was just hard mud, literally had no grass, was just in the middle of town, we thought this was just a kick around but soon saw scooters and cars lined around the pitch watching, there was a proper ref and linesman, the standard however was as good as a few lads kicking a ball round a street. As we were watching a guy asked if we wanted to buy a ticket, as i looked at it, it was a bingo ticket, not a book of them just random bingo tickets, at half time someone shouted out a load of numbers just as in Bingo, the whole thing was surreal but funny. We left the match and walked towards the beach when we were approached by what looked like Indian tourist's, not locals, they asked if their friends could have their photo taken with us, a little dubious we said OK, they put their arms round us and the guy snapped away, soon we were being asked again by some other guys, we didn't quite get it, i can only assume wherever they live in India they don't see many westerners, though one guy did say to me 'Brad Pitt, you are Brad Pitt? yes?  i replied 'no of course not, i am much better looking, don't you think?'.... OK that didn't happen but in my head it did. Its my last day in GOA tomorrow before i have an early start Friday (3am) to catch a 6.30 flight to Nepal a Delhi, I'll be back in Delhi at the beginning of September so just a connecting flight to Nepal. I'll probably just chill tomorrow too, Thore is leaving and as its off season in GOA there really isn't much to do without getting a taxi, chilling is good with me. Keep Well.

PS. The Kingfish in Masala sauce last night was amazing ;o).

'You can only really understand another, when you have understood yourself first'

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